First Name
Last Name
Your Age
Country Canada United States of America
Are you willing to adopt/foster a dog that is not house/potty trained? Some of our rescues who have never lived in a home and are not house trained Yes No
Are you willing to adopt/foster a dog with no previous training? Yes No
Are you applying for a specific dog? If yes, please specify.
How many people live in your household?
Please indicate names sex and birthdate/age of each member.
If you have kids, have they been around dogs before? Describe
Do you have a fenced yard Yes – Large Yes – Small No
Please provide Landlord Name and email if residing in a rental for verification of pet policy. Not providing this information will prevent your application from proceeding.
Are there any pets in your household? If yes, please indicate species, sex, whether spayed/neutered and vaccination dates.
If the answer is no, please elaborate (eg. I do not have a pet currently, or have just moved..)
What will happen to your dog if you or a member of your household goes through a major life change such as having a baby or illness?
Tell us a little more about your experience
Tell us a little more about your daily routine with pets in your home
Tell us a little more about your experience
How much are you prepared to spend on your dog each year? (not required for fosters, food/bowls/leash/collar will be provided by Rescue)
What will happen to your dog if they become unexpectedly ill or develop medical needs that require additional vetting and/or ongoing significant expenses? (Not required for fosters as medical issues are the responsibility of Rescue)
Are there specific criteria you would like your dog to meet such as age, sex, coat length, size, energy level etc. If yes, please indicate all. (copy)
Are there any behaviours or characteristics that are unacceptable to you?
Of the common behaviours that you are willing to work on, describe briefly how you would approach these
Please tell us about yourself, family and anything you would like us to know.